It is the policy of the Company to pay the highest regard to health and safety when pursuing our other business objectives. It is recognised that the principal of successful Health and Safety Management can contribute to successful business performance.
The Company will allocate resources to provide and maintain Safe and Healthy places of work and work conditions.
We are committed to progressive improvements to our Safety Management System which will assist in developing a positive Health and Safety culture throughout the organisation. It is believed that the pursuit of this policy will lead to the progressive improvements in our Health and Safety performance.
The Company recognises that Health and Safety can only be effectively controlled through full co-operation throughout the organisation. This will be achieved by maximising the contributions of individuals, as a key source, through a Training Programme designed to encourage all employees to promote the development of a positive Health and Safety culture.
Health and Safety Legislation is regarded by as setting the minimum standards and it is our policy always to attempt to achieve a standard higher than demanded by law.
We accept that ultimate legal responsibility for Health and Safety rests with the company.
Where significant risk assessment shows it to be necessary, we will call on the services of our outside experts and consultants to assist us with our Health and Safety responsibilities.
We firmly believe that our operational responsibility for safety lies with management and each individual employee who must observe a duty of care not only to themselves but to others whilst at work.
Health and Safety policies and procedures will be positively promoted within the organisation and brought to the attention of all our employees. We will continually review and update the policy to identify deficiencies and to meet any changes in legislation and business developments. The Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996 encourage improvements in the Health and Safety of employees at work. Employers are required to consult employees in good time on matters relating to their welfare.
We are committed to making employees aware of their own responsibilities to do everything possible to prevent injury to themselves or others in the course of their work and will consult with managers in the implementation of the Health and Safety Policy. We are also committed to reviewing our policy and arrangements on a regular basis to ensure compliance with Regulations:
Maintain necessary and up-to-date knowledge and keep contact with relevant outside bodies and developments on legislation. Codes of Practice and other technical or guidance material relating to the company’s activities, including Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.